Rhön-Radmarathon - T-Shirt
Each pre-registered participant of the Rhön-Radmarathon Tour E, C and B will receive a high-quality Rhön-Radmarathon T-Shirt. You will receive the T-shirt Sunday from 15:00 pm in the registration area.
At the festive area you can choose from a variety of food and drinks
Showers, toilets
The location of the showers and toilets can be found on the map here. You will find showers in the gym, in the clubhouse and in the shower containers.
Toilets are located in the gym and in the start/finish area in the clubhouse
Massage will be not offered in 2023.
When departing from the parking grounds please make sure that all objects have been removed. In the last few years there has been repeated damage to the farmer's mower, who has made the area available.